Travel Info

You drive by car or bus?

When you come on motorway D5 from Pilsen use EXIT 128 (Nová Hospoda, Bor, Tachov). Next way is very good marked as to Tachov.

If you come on motorway D5 from Rozvadov use EXIT 136 (Svatá Kateřina, Tachov). Next way on Tachov is very good marked.

When you use northern way the easiest is road number 21 via Marien Bad and on first crossroad in Planá use road number 198 on Tachov

You go by train?

On this site you can find your train which comes to Tachov but before you must change language if you dont understand czech and fill form at this page

So when you come from Pilsen or Rozvadov state border the BLUE way is the best for you. When you comes from Marien Bad and Planá the RED is yours. And finaly when you comes by train your color is GREEN but its same way as RED so its simple.

Click into the map picture for more details.