Compo categories / rules


- A1200, Blizzard 1260/50Mhz


All entries must came along with a short description file(readme) about the production like who done it and what tools were used.
Multiple entries in a single compo are allowed which means that you can sign up more than one entry in a compo (if it`s not stated else) whereas only the best voted one will be placed.
If you want to compete with production for the compo machine not listed above let us know about that in advance, we will also have Pegasos, Atari, C64, ZX spectrum machines or emulations.
Remote entries are allowed. You don't need to be present at the party. Send your entries via mail until&including 3rd of July with description "ArtWay 2015" on address below
For uploading your remote entries was established this email adress.

Compo categories:

Amiga Demo compo

- any X kb intro and demo
- Demo must run on one of the compomachines
- Must be quitable with LMB or ESC
- Max. size 30MB (zip / lha compresed)
- In case of enough intro entries there will be a separate compo.

Combined Music compo

- includes tracked and streamed music
- free style
- Limit 3:30 mins
- Formats: MOD, XM, MP3...
- In case of enough tracked entries there will be a separate compo.

Combined Graphics compo

- includes pixel and raytraced graphic
- free style
- Limit: 1024x768
- Formats: png, jpg, iff,...
- In case of enough pixeled entries there will be a separate compo.

Photo compo

Theme: free style
- no photos for family album
- photo must be in digital form
- use reasonable resolutions no 10Mpx or such
- only one entry for a scener

Surprise compo

- If you want to compete with a production of another type than above categories or for another platform(eg. executable ascii, speccy demo, animations, videos or whatever you want;) . You can surprise us and subscribe it here in this special compo category.
- In case of bigger amount of asciis there will be a separate compo